The video sessions within your course can be downloaded to your device with a few simple clicks.
This means that you will not be relying on your WiFi connection or mobile data to watch sessions, which should result in a smoother viewing experience.
How to Download the Sessions
- In the 'Browse Course' screen within your course, click to display a unit you would like to download
- At the bottom of unit, underneath the sessions, a button which says 'Click to Download' will appear. Press this button to initiate the download process.
- Please note that the download might be quite large - so please make sure you're on a WiFi connection and that you have enough space on your device. If you're happy then click 'Download' in the confirmation dialog to start your download.
How to Watch Downloaded Sessions
Once you've downloaded a unit by following the steps above, the sessions in this unit will be loaded from your device when you open a session.
This means these sessions won't be downloaded anywhere outside of the app (e.g in your device's photo library or elsewhere).
To watch sessions once they have been downloaded, you can simply open them as you normally would from within your course:
- Click on the 'Browse Course' section in your course menu.
- From here, open the unit you have downloaded.
- Then click on a session in this unit to watch this downloaded session. When you open this, rather than the videos streaming over the internet, they will be loaded from your device.
How to Remove Downloaded Videos
When you have fully downloaded a Unit, you'll be able to delete the downloaded videos whenever you want.
- In the 'Browse Course' screen within your course, click to display a unit you would like to download
- At the bottom of unit, underneath the sessions, a button which says 'Delete' will appear. Press this button and confirm to delete the videos.
What about a download that never finished or failed?
If a download failed or never finished, the app should do its' best to remove the files which did download in an attempt to clean up.
However, if you believe that a failed download has left some files on your device, then initiating the download process again as described in How to Download the Sessions will remove any remaining files before starting the download process again.
There are a few things to keep in mind when downloading sessions to your device, and in particular, as you watch those sessions.
Progress Tracking
If you are watching a downloaded session when you don't have an active internet connection, you'll be able to watch all the video content, but your progress through the session won't be updated. If you have no internet connection, the app is unable to communicate with the Workshop servers where your progress is stored.
Because of this we suggest that you aim to use Workshop only when you have an internet connection. Even if the internet connection is patchy, your progress should still get updated and you'll be able to breeze through the downloaded sessions.
Storage Space
The amount of storage space that the downloaded sessions takes up will vary depending on the length of the unit and the number of sessions within that unit. Please ensure that you have sufficient space on your device before starting a download - this could be anywhere between 200mb and 4gb of storage depending on how many downloaded sessions you store at any one time.
To retrieve space from downloaded sessions, please see the above section on How to Remove Downloaded Videos